Category Archives: Health Care

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

Source: The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

I found this article very informative and revealing. It makes total sense that bathing wheat and other crops in Roundup prior to harvesting is subjecting people to toxic illness.

To verify this, I went to and downloaded the .pdf “Preharvest Guide” which gave farmers their instructions on how to marinate crops in Roundup. Shocking.

Paul Turnbull


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Apple Cider Vinegar

apple-cider-vinegar-600x391Went to a restaurant last night to celebrate my granddaughter’s graduation from Grade 1. I ate vegetables and noodles, soup and salad. A pretty safe meal. However, when I went to walk out my left big toe was acting up making it hard to walk. I can only assume that there was MSG in the food causing arthritic pain.

This morning I woke up with the same pain. So I juiced 4 apples and added 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Now it was a bit tart but boy did it turn on the energy. I then did a full 45 minute workout with no pain! The magic of Apple Cider Vinegar.

Paul Turnbull, Purpose Consultant


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What do all Healthcare professionals have in Common?

ImageWhat do Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Dentists, Massage Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Veterinarians, Dietitians, Opticians, Home Health Aide, Paramedics, etc. have in common.

The willingness to help others and a willingness to express their ability to heal.

Do they have another thing in common? Yes! During their education they were rarely taught how to run a business. Most of these professionals fail in business because of this.

There skill as a healthcare profession is such that more and more people want their services but these professionals, in the main, don’t know how to meet this demand so they fail or struggle to survive. Some of their professions are dying. This is a major problem for them and for their patients. With an aging population these professions need to thrive.

I do know of a solution which not only applies to health care professionals in private practice but all entrepreneurs. There are many companies that offer Hubbard Management Technology. One of them is Measurable Solutions, Inc. in Clearwater, Florida that has courses for all professions. Here’s their number and website: 1-800-491-2828,

Give them a call and find out how you can put this technology to work in your business.


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Amino Acid Therapy for Depression and Weight Loss

I’ve republished this article in its entirety because of the revolutionary approach of Amino Acid Therapy to psychiatric disorders. It is a must read for anyone suffering from a psychiatric disorder or anyone with a child that has been labelled as having such a disorder.

Mary Beth Ackerley MD, MDH, ABIHM is a Harvard and Johns Hopkins trained board certified psychiatrist. Her focus is on Mind Body Spirit using natural therapies and emphasizes an integrative approach to wellness. In an interview with psychiatrist Dr. Ackerley, the topics of anti-depressants and the effectiveness of amino acid therapy are explored.

Question: Welcome Dr. Ackerley. As a psychiatrist what are your thoughts on the effectiveness of anti-depressants?

Dr. Ackerley: First it’s important to understand how anti-depressants work. They recirculate neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that are required for mood regulation and hormonal function. The downside is that these drugs are only able to work with neurotransmitters that we currently have in our systems. If we are already depleted we may receive a mild amount of relief but with minimal long term benefit. Since prescription drugs fail to increase levels of neurotransmitters needed for vibrant health a person exists in a deficient state.

Question: Are you saying that anti-depressants fail to increase neurotransmitters?

Dr. Ackerley: Yes. Sadly these drugs actually exhaust and deplete neurotransmitters. Anti-depressants stimulate the circulation of available neurotransmitters which is why patients initially experience mood elevation. Eventually though, the small pool of neurotransmitters become worn out and no longer function. This is why patients often switch to a different drug to gain relief.

Question: There are a lot of people using anti-depressants. Are many of them just treading water and not really getting a whole lot better?

Dr. Ackerley: Unfortunately this is true. Anti-depressants act as a safety net that provide initial relief and management of symptoms. Patients are reluctant to stop using them because they are terrified of returning to prior states of hopelessness and despair. And with insurance coverage the incentive to seek alternative treatments is low.

Question: This outlook seems rather bleak. Is there a way to find relief from depression?

Dr. Ackerley: Yes there is. Thankfully there is a breakthrough in treatment that has emerged in the last few years. It is natural, safe, and it fits in with my mission to provide wholesome methods for achieving wellness.

Question: That’s exciting. Why hasn’t this come out sooner?

Dr. Ackerley: Doctors are discovering different concepts of brain chemistry. Our understanding of the role of neurotransmitters has dramatically changed. It is exciting because it means there is much more that can be accomplished in our treatment of depression. Instead of just recycling low levels of neurotransmitters to attain limited benefits through the use of drugs, we can build higher levels of neurotransmitters with amino acid precursors. This is a radical shift in the treatment of depression. I am pleased because doctors are able to safely provide beneficial brain nutrients to their patients without the use of harmful drugs.

Question: That is a big accomplishment. How does this actually work?

Dr. Ackerley: Neurotransmitters have many functions in the body. Low levels affect our moods. They also influence appetite signals, hormones, and weight regulation. There is a well known correlation between the use of anti-depressants and weight gain. Some people may gain as much as 15-20 pounds, most likely from neurotransmitter depletion stimulating the appetite. Women are particularly affected by this.

Question: That makes sense. Are you saying this new amino acid therapy helps with weight gain, depression, and hormonal issues all at the same time?

Dr. Ackerley: Exactly. The woman who has hormonal issues, has added unwanted weight, and is depressed from depleted neurotransmitters, has a lot to gain by increasing amino acids levels. In the past researchers have been aware of this requirement so this is not new but the breakthrough came from understanding the hierarchy in the bio-chemical chain that creates neurotransmitter production. By supplying the right balance of amino acid precursors and cofactors we can increase the available pool of neurotransmitters. Drugs that treat conditions like Parkinson’s disease have side effects because they end up tipping the ratios of neurotransmitters. It is important to maintain the right proportion.

Question: Are you saying that this new protocol is a way to supply the right precursors to make the essential neurotransmitters which operate our many biological systems?

Dr. Ackerley: That’s correct. The precursors are part of the equation. However, there are two things required to get everything working properly. First, neurotransmitters need vitamins, minerals and other precursors to come alive and do their job. Secondly, they need to be in the right ratios otherwise they can’t work properly. That’s the key to this protocol. Once balance is established hormones are regulated, we lose weight, mood is stabilized and other things like PMS disappear.

Question: That’s remarkable since it helps a number of different conditions. So then why isn’t this better known?

Dr. Ackerley: Up until recently little attention has been paid to naturally replenishing neurotransmitters because the mechanisms were not well understood. So we are just catching up to this now. With Parkinson’s disease we know that dopamine helps to regulate and calm down hand tremors. Giving the patient dopamine helps with the tremor but the side effect is depression because the serotonin levels are thrown out of whack. When serotonin and dopamine levels are supplied in the right ratios with amino acid therapy, depression is no longer an issue, and hand tremors disappear. This is saner than treating isolated symptoms with drugs, creating another side effect, and then treating the imbalance with more drugs. I believe medicine will make more headway when it focuses on the cause of illness instead of various stray symptoms.

Question: It seems this could have broader benefits. What other conditions can be helped by amino acid therapy?

Dr. Ackerley: There are many applications. We know that obesity is quickly on the rise in our population. Obesity has many interrelated deleterious effects. It affects the heart, leads to diabetes, stresses our joints, and reduces productivity and enjoyment of life. The use of amino acid therapy has been shown to reverse diabetes.

Question: Wait a minute. This is a revolutionary statement. Is there any evidence of this?

Dr. Ackerley: There are over 1.4 million patient hours recorded on a database at the University of Minnesota. This is the single largest data base they have ever seen. It clearly shows that amino acid therapy leads to safe and effective weight loss. Weight is a well known requirement that diabetics need to stabilize and reduce in order to halt insulin dependence.

Question: What other conditions are affected by amino acid therapy?

Dr. Ackerley: I recently spoke with a practitioner in Dallas who treated a seven year old child with ADHD. She administered the amino acid therapy and the child was completely clear of ADHD within two days. Many months later the child is still symptom free.

Question: Did they do anything else in addition to the amino acids?

Dr. Ackerley: No. They were happy to have these results of course. But often this sort of thing happens with little publicity. Humanity is moving forward all the time. It is evolving, changing and growing. We learn new information each day. Eventually it filters out to the greater population and then it receives more attention. Right now I am pleased to know there is more room for advancement in the realm of healing and that this new method holds so much promise.

Question: Thank you. This has been very informative. How might you be reached?

Dr. Ackerley: My website is It is dedicated to natural health and wellness. The site is evolving and designed to be an educational forum. Also I can be reached at my clinic in Tucson. The number there is (520) 299-5694. If you want to read more about the neurotransmitter research studies on depression and ADHD mentioned here, please go to


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Binge Eating Signs and Symptoms

Fatties 2I’m going to take a different approach to health over the holiday season. I can’t seem to encourage certain people to start transforming to a healthy lifestyle in the face of intended binge-eating. I’ve even been told not to talk about the subject of health until after New Years. I really don’t understand this as bing-eating is a serious compulsion in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food. Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. But for some people, overeating crosses the line to binge-eating and it becomes a regular occurrence, usually done in secret.

I remember as a kid, my aunt hosting the New Years day family get together. Aunt Lizzy was a fantastic cook and really went all out to serve those foods everyone loved. Unfortunately, after the meal, most of the men passed out in the living room watching football leaving the women to clean up. In those days the women served the meal while the family ate and then they ate afterwards. This is what saved them from being as obese as the men.

Please understand that this was the custom and the number of passed out people was the sign of a well cooked meal topped off with cigars and whiskey.

heartattackgrillmenuWhen you’re a binge-eater, you swear you won’t do it again. But again comes quickly as you are required to take leftovers home. You may be deeply embarrassed about gorging and vow to stop. But you feel such a compulsion that you can’t resist the urges and continue binge-eating. There is no treatment for bing-eating without first having a strong intention to stop. Usually a heart attack or diabetes prompts a change in eating habits and you go unwillingly to the hospital or doctor. But here is a fact you have to totally understand; in 60% of heart conditions the first symptom is sudden death. You don’t get another chance.

There’s one symptom that can foretell your future; weight or fat gain.

You may have no obvious physical signs or symptoms when you’re a binge-eater. You may be overweight or obese, or you may be at a normal weight. However, you likely have numerous behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Eating unusually large amounts of food

  • Eating even when you’re full or not hungry

  • Eating rapidly during binge episodes

  • Eating until you’re uncomfortably full

  • Frequently eating alone

  • Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control

  • Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty or upset about your eating

  • Experiencing depression and anxiety

  • Feeling isolated and having difficulty talking about your feelings

  • Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss

  • Losing and gaining weight repeatedly, also called yo-yo dieting

After a binge, you may try to diet or eat normal meals. But restricting your eating may simply lead to more binge eating, creating a vicious cycle.

The first thing to decide is to get off this unmerry-go-round and transition to a healthy lifestyle that allows you to eat all the right foods you want and also gives you a variety.

I do know of a program that does exactly that but it would be a waste of time if you haven’t decided that you’ve had it on your present lifestyle and turn yourself in. I’ll help you with the rest.

Warning: If you’re having a heart attack or other threatening symptoms, please call 911.

Paul Turnbull 727-643-8376

Purpose Consultant


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Which is better animal or plant protein?

Ginger Mint Green SmoothieWhy don’t we bypass animal protein and simply eat amino acids?

If you want to be horrified, search the internet to see what animals like cows, pigs, chickens and even fish are forced fed on farms to fatten them up for market. Too scary to print here but I think you already know.

All we are trying to do when we eat meat, poultry and fish is get protein.

Q. What is protein?

A. “Protein is found in both animals and plants. The basic building blocks of life, amino acids, come from protein.” Mark Hyman, M.D. author of the New York Times best selling book “Ultra Metabolism.”

Q. What are Phytonutrients?

A. “Phytonutrients are healing plant chemicals, and they can be found only in certain types of carbohydrates. The prefix phyto simply means ‘plant,’ so Phytonutrients are nutrients that are found specifically in plant food. The only way you can acquire these important substances is to eat real, whole, unprocessed plant food.”

“Phytonutrients are essential to optimal health. They help to turn on genes that make you burn fat and age less quickly.” Mark Hyman, M.D.

Q. Are there amino acids in plant food?

A. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. The body has twenty different amino acids that act as these building blocks. Nonessential amino acids are those that the body can synthesize for itself, provided there is enough nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen available. Essential amino acids are those supplied by the diet, since the human body either cannot make them at all or cannot make them in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. Under normal conditions, eleven of the amino acids are nonessential and nine are essential.

Humans consume many foods that contain proteins or amino acids. With the increasing emphasis on vegetarian diets, plant sources of protein are gaining in popularity. Such sources include dried beans (black, kidney, northern, red, and white beans), peas, nuts, and seeds. Although plant sources generally lack one or more of the essential amino acids, when combined with whole grains, or by eating nuts or seeds with legumes, all the amino acids can be obtained.

Conclusion: Eating plant food can give you all your essential amino acids and much, much more. Let’s leave the animals alone and eat live nutritious whole raw foods, lose weight and be healthy.

Paul Turnbull, Purpose Consultant


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Ten Commandments of Health


1. Help yourself to health. Form habits that will fight for you, not against you.

2. Do not expect to have good health without effort. Health must be earned.

3. Adopt firm policy that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

4. Make food your servant, not your master. Eat for strength.

5. Breathe deeply, for air is life’s first requisite and nature’s best tonic.

6. Exercise for health, not for strength. Exercise sends clean blood  to the brain.

7. Seek sunshine, for sunshine and disease are always enemies.

8. Water, use plentifully daily; warm for cleanliness, cold for tonic.

9. Keep a clear conscience, for true rest is mental as well as physical.

10. Work planfully, read much and play often. Play keeps old age at bay.


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Human Peak Performance

In order to understand human performance, you should study automotive performance or horsepower. How does one increase horsepower in a car engine?

There are three interactive components of horsepower, air, fuel and exhaust. If you want to increase horsepower you have to increase the air flow, then you can increase the fuel amount and then you have to increase the exit flow of exhaust.


If any one of the three is restricted then the horsepower will not increase. So if you want to hot rod a car or motorcycle, the first thing you would do is replace the air filter system with a free flowing system. Then you can adjust the amount of fuel accordingly (on new cars you have to change the computer settings to properly balance air, fuel and exhaust). Then with increased air and fuel you can’t have a restricted exhaust system so you change that out for a free flowing exhaust or dual exhaust and now you are really increasing the performance of your car or motorcycle and you would probably increase the gas mileage as well.

Now, what does this have to do with Peak Performance of the human body. Well it has three interactive components just like an automobile or perhaps the automobile is really a mechanical human.

Peak PerformanceThe three interactive components of the human body are oxygen (air), food (fuel) and elimination (exhaust).

If you want to increase your performance you have to take in more oxygen by exercising, then increase the quality of your food, and then you better improve the elimination of the byproducts of combustion by elimination. Eating foods with a lot of fiber helps elimination. Eating foods that are of high quality is the most important component of health and performance.

Now what is the fastest and most destructive way to destroy an automotive engine? You add a pound of sugar to the gas tank each time you fill up and the sugar will clog the fuel lines. Run an engine with sugar in the fuel and it will eventually have to be rebuilt from top to bottom.

And what is the fastest and most destructive way to destroy the human body? Add sugar to it’s stomach and run it on sugary foods. In a short time that body will lose performance, tire out, and eventually fail. I understand that the one substance among many that causes cancer is the consumption of sugar. In fact when the medicos are testing to see if a person has cancer in their organs they have the patient drink a sugar solution with radioactive dye in it and the cancer cells are attracted to the sugar and show up on the CT scan.

So cancer cells love sugar. Or is it that sugar causes cancer? To consume sugar or not to consume, that is the question.

Paul Turnbull


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Aspertame Poisoning

Aspertame PoisoningAre you a Diet Soda drinker??! Respect & protect your body! Get educated and don’t be afraid to spread the awareness with others… you never know whose life you may save! Did you know: “These products contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve ’tissue specimens.

Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and ASPARTAME containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates. It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store it IN our body!”

Do your own research! Yes, there are many conflicting studies out there, but there’s a lot of stake holders invested too… be your own judge. Something that converts to or contains formaldehyde and is consumed over a period of time and in fairly significant levels (which is a vast majority of American’s these days) is asking for a slow and painful death in my opinion. Strong yes! Passionate yes! But it’s been effecting so many people I love & care deeply about.

So if by sharing this now creates awareness and change for even just a few to think twice about the things we feed & fuel our bodies with, than I am one step closer to encouraging positive influence and impacting the masses!

Now, I had a client die from overcomsumption of diet soda. He woke up in a cold sweat and died. The paramedics were called and he was brought back to life. No cause was found until I asked him how much diet soda he drank in a day. He told me he had a 44 ouncer at breakfast, one at lunch, another mid day, one at dinner and then another before bedtime. That’s 5 X 44 or 220 ounces. I offered him an all natural substitute and over the next 6 months he cut back on the diet and drank Zevia. He lost 90 pounds, started exercising and his symptoms went away and he’s still alive!


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Anti-parasitic Raw Foods

Ginger Mint Green SmoothieWhat are parasites? 

Parasites are organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms known as hosts. They may be transmitted from animals to humans, from humans to humans, or from humans to animals. Several parasites have emerged as significant causes of foodborne and waterborne illness. These organisms live and reproduce within the tissues and organs of infected human and animal hosts, and are often excreted in feces. 

Parasites can live within the intestines for years without causing any symptoms. When they do, symptoms include the following:

  • Fatigue

  • Abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Gas or bloating

  • Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus)

  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva

  • Stomach pain or tenderness

  • Feeling tired

  • Weight loss

  • Passing a worm in your stool

Is there a remedy?

Eat an abundance of raw foods considered “anti-parasitic,” such as cabbage and onions, garlic, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, almonds, figs, blackberries, papaya, pomegranate, ginger, hot peppers, radishes, coconut oil, and cloves. Implement fasting as well, as an overall body cleanse.

It’s also recommended to exclude honey and dried fruit from your diet when treating for parasites.

On a raw diet you have a better chance of keeping a clean, alkaline bloodstream and a healthier intestinal terrain to discourage parasites from sticking around. The name of the game: If you want to get rid of and stay rid of parasites, become a poor host!

  • Apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon per 8 ounces of pure water to help alkaline your body
  • Fresh ginger root- boiled into a tea or included in your food, like in a stir fry
  • Fresh garlic, a natural microbe fighter
  • Oil of oregano, which is anti microbial
  • Turmeric, which is highly anti inflammatory
  • Coconut, coconut, coconut!  Another great use for coconut is soothing an upset stomach as it helps maintain intestinal flora
  • A probiotic supplement, one not sourced from dairy or soy and not containing yeasts
  • Add papaya and pineapple in moderation, to provide bromelain, an enzyme which aids in digestion
  • Focus on copious leafy greens, and possibly a bit less fruit, temporarily, as many bacteria tend to feed on sugar.

In addition, if your stomach is feeling particularly sore, you may want to focus on steaming your veggies for a few days simply to make them easier to digest. 

I have a powerful raw food blender that I put a combination of kale, ginger, raw cocoa powder, pineapple, spirulina, chlorella, apple,pure water and some stevia to sweeten the taste. Most times it turns out tasting like ginger ale and of course it’s all raw and I have the fiber of the whole foods.



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