The Master of Chiropractic – Vision of the Future

31 Jul

Pam 1The influence of the Chiropractic Master upon the future will be evidenced by his creations in the domains of art, science, philosophy, education and morals.

He is setting the stage for a new form of awareness of health care in the minds of the populations of earth. Personality rightly believed to extend outside the physical continuum; its limits seem to be situated beyond the surface of the skin. The definiteness of the anatomical contours is partly illusion. Each one of us is certainly far larger and more diffuse than his body. The anatomical form is only one aspect of the individual. It does not enclose our mental, personality or spiritual powers.

Some would hardly extend beyond their anatomical limits. Others like D.D. Palmer, B.J. Palmer and Elbert Hubbard extended out in long tentacles attached to their family, to a group of friends, to their practices, to the sky, to the mountains of their native country. These Masters of Life look like fairy-tale giants spreading their multiple arms over a country, a continent, the entire world.

Each human being occupies a certain place in his group. He is shackled to it by mental chains. The Master breaks free of these physical, mental and spiritual bonds despite financial losses, persecution, scandal, or for that matter any opposition or obstacles. He has a feeling of closeness with each and every person despite their shortcomings. He knows innately if he can relieve these people from the pain and suffering, they too will rise up and become Masters in their own endeavors.

 The only downfall for the Master would be his unwillingness to help those who sincerely wish to be helped. The Master is capable of finding in the midst of a crowd the one person whom he must meet. Then he communicates to this person certain knowledge about their personal physical condition that will cause that person to want to be helped. The Master is fully aware at all times what he can do for the populace at large.

He extends out from himself, self-confidence that is observable by all. His courage drives him forward. A purpose of such intensity that is unmistakable. He exhibits no fear of failure, shyness, or stage fright. He takes command of a situation and acts. He has no doubts. His negative traits and decisions have long since been washed away. He strikes out into his community and defeats suffering and despair.

He will not ever go as low as to think he will not succeed. He succeeds at every step of his contact with people, their education on the truth about health. He perseveres despite his patient’s unwilling desire to quit their care before correction. He ensures they become healthy without concentrating on the limits of time and money. Overcoming these limits is his specialty.

He desires that a person in front of him to get well and see that they do. He knows that a miracle a day will keep the medical doctor at bay.

As an educator he knows that preconceived ideas about Chiropractic are what are stopping most people form charging into his office and demanding their health. He overcomes the bombardment of false ideas expressed in the media and press by extracting them on first contact. He invariably asks in a forthright manner, “What have you heard about Chiropractic?” He doesn’t flinch or shy away from their answers but addresses them with his self-confidence intact. He might simply say, “No, that is not true, especially in my office!” Thereby convincing this person that he is the Doctor for them.

People in general want to be cared for by the ideal doctor. They have their idea of the traits he should possess. Those traits are listed in the book, “The Graduate and the Master.” These are what the people want.

Read about them and live up to these and deliver what you know is the best form of health care, Chiropractic!

If you want an electronic copy of “The Graduate and the Master,” contact me at and I will send you a copy.

Yours in Health,

Paul Turnbull (727) 445-7842

President, EP Management, Inc.


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