Above Down Inside Out

28 Jan

In the early 20th century, a unique friendship blossomed between two great minds: B.J. Palmer, a pioneer in chiropractic care, and Elbert Green Hubbard, a renowned writer and philosopher. Their friendship was rooted in a shared passion for holistic health and the human condition, and they often engaged in deep, thought-provoking conversations.

One evening, in the cozy Davenport home of B.J. Palmer, they hosted a dinner with a special guest, Marcus Bach, a well-known author and thinker of the time. The atmosphere was filled with intellectual curiosity and a warm camaraderie. As they dined, the conversation naturally drifted towards the profound and the philosophical.

“At dinner, one night, in our Davenport home, we asked Marcus Bach:

“What is the most vital new principle now, for the first time, coming into human service?” He pondered a moment and asked us what OURS was. We replied:


This was the essence of Palmer’s chiropractic philosophy, a concept that emphasized the innate healing power of the body, working from the inside out and above down, as opposed to external interventions that worked outside in and below up. Hubbard, always fascinated by new ideas, listened intently, his eyes sparkling with interest.

Later, in this book, under the title OLD AND NEW ERAS, present our contribution of this NEW principle as applied to mankind. We also review Marcus Bach’s recent book “THE CIRCLE of FAITH.”

Hubbard, inspired by the evening’s discussion, decided to capture the essence of this philosophy in his writings. He wanted to show how these principles could be applied not just to physical health, but to personal growth and societal progress.

Somewhere, weaving in and thru this talk, there are two phrases that will mean little at first, but they will grow in you; and, if they do, they will become the foundation for the rest of your life, in all things you think, say, or do.

Hubbard’s narrative style brought these concepts to life, making them accessible and compelling. He believed that once these principles were truly understood, they could transform one’s life.

If, as, and when you adopt these as your everyday working principle, you will be a full-fledged CHIROPRACTOR worthy of the name.

Seek and ye shall find!”

Palmer and Hubbard’s friendship continued to flourish, grounded in their mutual respect and shared vision. They believed in empowering individuals to seek their own truths and to find their paths to healing and fulfillment. Their discussions, rich in wisdom and insight, left a lasting impact on all those fortunate enough to be a part of them.

Their legacy continued through their writings and teachings, inspiring generations to come to look within themselves for healing and truth, and to always remember the power of “ABOVE DOWN, INSIDE OUT” versus “OUTSIDE IN, BELOW UP.”

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Posted by on January 28, 2024 in Purpose


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